Since 2012, TotalEnergies EP Uganda (TEPU) corporate social responsibility initiatives have directly and indirectly impacted and benefited over 500,000 people by enabling access to improved healthcare, quality education, encouraging environmental stewardship through tree planting and facilitating adoption of solar lighting, promoting youth inclusion by supporting football leagues in our communities. Over ten years, TEPU has invested over $4.4 million in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, and our investment will continue to increase following the start of the development phase of the Tilenga Project.

    Our major focus is on the operational areas of Buliisa and Nwoya districts and secondary in Pakwach, Nebbi, Hoima, Masindi, Kikuube plus also at national level. CSR initiatives are selected from local development priorities that align with TEPU’s thematic focus

    TotalEnergies EP Uganda's CSR initiatives are based on our sustainability pillars of:

    1. Education and Inclusion
    2. Road safety
    3. Climate - Tree planting
    4. Affordable and clean energy 
    5. Good health and well being 
    6. Cultural Heritage & Dialogue 

    Our CSR Focus Areas

    Education and Inclusion

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    Road safety

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    Climate: Tree planting

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    Culture program

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