Welcome to Total Uganda Limited satety reporting platform. Kindly submit your safety concern by filling the form below. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Full Name * Name of Station or Transporter Company * Category * Dealer * Driver * Nature of Safety Concern * Deviation * Near Miss * Stop Card * Incident * Accident * Security Risk * Anomaly * Risk * Food Hygiene * Date of Incident * Enter location of Incident * Describe the Incident * Probable Cause * Risk * Action proposed or taken * Attach Photo if any * Upload One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png. Reason for STOP CARD deployment * Was this reason explained to the other party? Yes * No * Was the other party aware if the meaning of the STOP CARD? Yes * No * Was the hazardous operation stopped after the deployment? Yes * No * Were immediate corrective measures taken to mitigate the hazard? Yes * No * If you selected Yes above, what measures were taken to mitigate the hazard? * Submit