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25/06/2016 News

Lion Power FC wins inaugural Nwoya football league

Lion Power FC of Got Apwoyo Sub County won Total-Nwoya mini football league after beating Protouch FC 4-1 goals in a final match played at Purongo Primary School playgrounds in Nwoya district on Saturday 25 June 2016.

The final match, which was attended by local authorities from Nwoya district as well as Purongo and Got Apwoyo sub counties, saw the winners of the league sponsored and organised by Total E&P Uganda awarded a trophy, medals, a bull, and Awango by Total solar lamps.

While presiding over the handover ceremony, the General Manager of Total E&P Uganda, Mr Adewale Fayemi, commended the teams for their entertaining participation in the league which has attracted spectators from all over the district.

Adewale hailed the eight participating teams from Purongo and Got Apwoyo sub counties in Nwoya district – Wii-Anaka FC, The Crane FC, Bel Kec FC, Got Ngur FC, Protouch FC, Super Villa FC, Patira FC and Lion Power FC – saying that the matches were played in a very friendly and entertaining manner that ended without any notable injuries to the players.

As the runners up, Protouch FC received two goats, medals and Awango by Total solar lamps while Got Ngur FC and The Crane FC, who were in the 3rd and 4th place respectively, each received a goat and certificates. All the participating teams and their players received certificates and Total T-shirts.

“Besides promoting local sports and talents, the league also revealed to us the many ways in which we can work together with our neighbouring communities to not only build mutually beneficial and lasting relationships but also enhance the culture of open communication between the company and its stakeholders” Adewale noted.

The General Manager of Total E&P Uganda remarked that as part of the company’s continued commitment to the development of sportsmanship in Nwoya district, Total has also refurbished two football pitches at Paraa and Purongo primary schools. Adewale announced that Total also distributed 1400 school bags to the pupils of Paraa and Purongo primary schools.

The Total E&P Uganda mini football league kicked-off on 1 June 2016 under the management of Nwoya Football Association, and ends today 25 June 2016.