EA-1/EA-1A & EA-2 North Project – ESIA Scoping Report / ToR EA-1/EA-1A & EA-2 North Project – ESIA Scoping Report / ToR

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Exploration Area (EA) 1, 1A & EA-2 North Development Project commenced in May 2015 with AECOM as the lead consultant in partnership with Eco & Partner Consult as the local consultant. The project located in Buliisa and Nwoya Districts within Western Uganda will comprise the following key components:

-    36 well pads each containing up to 25 wells
-    Central Processing Facility, including water treatment and power generating facilities
-    Construction and operational camps
-    Lake water abstraction facility
-    Buried pipelines including pipelines for production, water and polymer injection and the water abstraction pipe
-    Nile river pipeline crossing beneath the Victoria Nile river bed
-    Upgraded and new access roads and management areas

This is the base case that will further be optimized during the next project’s phases.

The ESIA is being undertaken in four phases: 

-    Scoping phase;
-    Baseline Data Collection;
-    Impact Assessment;
-    Cumulative Impact Assessment

The scoping phase which was concluded in December 2015 culminated in submission of the scoping report with Terms of Reference for the ESIA study to the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). The proposed Terms of Reference were approved in April 2016. The next phases of the ESIA study have since commenced. A copy of the scoping report is provided here for stakeholder information.
Key outputs of the ESIA process will be an Environmental and Social Impact Statement which will be submitted to the Government of Uganda for approval of the project as well Environmental Social Management Plans (ESMPs) which will be developed based on the results of Environmental Impact Assessment Study to mitigate the impacts.